SAT NAM “ Truth is my identity ”
Sat Nam has the power to clear the subconscious mind so that old wounds and programmes no longer get in the way of self-realization. It does so by changing the projection of our minds. Mantra means the projection of the mind. Sat Nam is not just a normal mantra but is known as a “Seed” mantra, which uses universal sound currents to rearrange the habit patterns of the mind. It’s a one-syllable sound that activates the chakras. "It is small and potent and great things grow from it" - Sat Nam is like a seed that begins to germinate inside of you. The vibration of a mantra shifts us on an atomic level. It is the most powerful and sacred mantra, Sat means life and is normally chanted much longer than Nam, which means death, a quick short death. However, the meaning is far bigger than any words can come close to convey; its meaning is bigger and goes beyond our conscious comprehension. But with this practice, slowly we can begin to feel what Sat Nam mean, rather than trying to intellectually understand it.
A seed mantra accesses part of the mind that regulates our habits. The seed of the sound Sat Nam is planted into the unconscious mind. This seed then re-arranges the habit patterns of your mind, freeing yourself from negative habits that are holding you back.
Within the seed of this mantra all the knowledge and wisdom can be obtained. The essence or seed is the identity of truth embodied in condensed form.
Chanting this mantra verbally or mentally awakens your soul and connects you to your destiny. Sat Nam balances the five elements (tattvas) earth, water, fire, air and ether. It clears the subconscious mind removing what no longer serves you. Sat Nam helps you reach self-realisation.
Sat Nam can be used as a powerful life tool. Whenever you are in a place of mental stress, when you are having negative thoughts, judgemental thoughts, thoughts that do not serve you well, or simply thoughts which are from the same old tapes from the past being replayed again and again, then quickly begin to silently chat Sat Nam repeatedly in your head. Keep practising this and you will begin to experience a whole new way of thinking and living.
Sometimes in our life, when we have a realisation that the old way isn’t working anymore, then we need to take a leap of faith, have courage to try and embrace a new way of doing things that will better serve us. If we want a different outcome, then we need to make a change in our actions and thinking.